Hana Kimi Subbing Project
>> Monday, November 20, 2006

SUBlimes is proud to present you with yet another new project! Hana Kimi marks our 4th subbing project as a fansubbing group. We hope you've enjoyed all our previous and ongoing projects, and we hope you'll enjoy this one too.
We will be hardsubbing this series with the H.264 codec. Please download and install a player with built in filters to play the file (ie. MPC, GOMplayer). Since someone else is releasing softsubs at d-addicts and usage abuse of our subs we will not release ours.
Hope you'll enjoy our releases :)
Redistribution rule: Please credit us if you upload elsewhere, and also please DO NOT put any type of logo over the hardsubbed version we release.
If you plan on redistributing, please redistribute the file as is and do not reencode the file. Please also credit SUBLimes when you do so. Help SUBLimes and d-addicts by directing your viewers to our blog and the forum.
You can forward the direct download links anywhere you want (help keep them ALIVE!).
Click here to learn how to play these .mp4 files
Click here for the list of released torrents
Click here to watch these hardsubs on SUBlimes' youtube account
Batch Torrent Ep 01-15
Hana Kimi OST: Megaupload
Episode 1
Torrent | Megaupload | Sendspace | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, sullema )
Translation notes: warp to post
Translations: luckysmile20, snarkastic, illUSi0NSHAD0W, bitterlemon
Timing: lilbaby, xCHELLy
QC: raen & fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 2
Version 2 - Torrent | Megaupload | Sendspace | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
***note: No changes were made to the subs in Version 2. Version 2 is purely a re-encoded version for those who had trouble playing the original release.
Torrent | Megaupload | Sendspace
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, sullema)
Translations: illUSi0NSHAD0W, luckysmile20, woorbi, furuba
Timing: viewMD & thaominh
QC: fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 3
Torrent | Megaupload | Sendspace | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, sullema)
Translations: tlina069, ptaele, carinelay, illUSi0NSHAD0W
Timing: jewellangela & thaominh
QC: raen & fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 4
Torrent | Megaupload | Mediafire
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, sullema)
Related media: Tai Ke explanation | "JGame" (referenced song)
Translations: yeuannh, rachh, FrozenSkye, snarkastic
Timing: sunshine4ever, xCHELLy, AkumaX
QC: blahzer & fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 5
Torrent | Megaupload (from Nhu) | Sendspace | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, KenderKin, sullema)
Translations: carinelay, boolala, blahzer, kkandy4mee
Timing: kenderkin88 & kkandy4mee
QC: raen & fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 6
Torrent | Megaupload | Sendspace | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, sullema)
Translations: momo, fufu, FrozenSkye, woorbi
Timing: viewMD, thaominh
QC: raen & fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 7
Torrent | Megaupload | Sendspace | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, sullema)
Translations: FrozenSkye, ptaele, rachh, woorbi
Timing: soutsada7, lilbaby
QC: raen & fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 8
Torrent | Megaupload | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, sullema)
Translations: Zahra, Zahra, Zahra, Zahra
Timing: jewellangela & sunshine4ever
QC: Winny, innerouter2000, fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 9
Torrent | Megaupload | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by fufu, AkumaX, sullema)
Translations: kkandy4mee, carinelay, snarkastic, FrozenSkye
Timing: viewMD & thaominh
QC: hijacked, innerouter2000, fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 10
Torrent | Megaupload | Sendspace | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, sullema)
Translations: ptaele, fufu, woorbi, blahzer
Timing: kenderkin88 & thaominh
QC: raen & fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 11
Torrent | Megaupload | Megaupload 2 | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, fufu, madeline, sullema)
Translations: carinelay & FrozenSkye
Timing: sunshine4ever & thaominh
QC: purplex & fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 12
Torrent | Megaupload | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, madelinepoh, sullema)
Translations: eraiza, FrozenSkye, carinelay, momo
Timing: fufu, kenderkin88, jewellangela
QC: hijacked& fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 13
Torrent | Megaupload | Mediafire: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, Sami, sullema)
Translations: FrozenSkye, carinelay, snarkastic, momo
Timing: thaominh & ViewMD
QC: faithz17, winny, fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 14
Torrent | Megaupload | Mediafire 1: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 | Mediafire 2: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, sullema, Lan Ayath)
Translations: xinhui8810, carinelay, ethidda, madelinepoh
Timing: carinelay & thaominh
QC: Zahra & fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Episode 15 (Final)
Torrent | Megaupload | Mediafire 1: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 + 005 | Mediafire 2: 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 + 005 + 006 (use hjsplit to merge)
(UL by Zahra, AkumaX, sullema, Lan Ayath )
Translations: snarkastic, raen, carinelay, FrozenSkye, faithz17
Timing: AkumaX & thaominh
QC: Zahra, purplexx, fufu
Encoding: AkumaX
Chinese New Year Special
Torrent | Megaupload: Part 1 + Part 2 + Part 3 (winrar all three parts together)
(UL by Akumax, madelinepoh)
Translations: ethidda, yeuannh, madelinepoh, Tweedyy, ptaele, carinelay
Timing & Typesetting: carinelay
QC: raen, madelinepoh
Encoding: AkumaX
I prefer hardsubs but whatever is easiest for you i say
I'm happy that you're going to do Hana-Kimi... Thank you.
In my opinion, I like softsubs but if you want to do hardsubs it's ok with me.
I just would like to say an idea if you're going to do hardsubs:
That please if it's possible put the subs down the chinese subtitles and not over it, I think in that way is easiest to read. It's just an idea.
Hardsubs or softsubs, I'll be happy to watch it.
We decided to put them over the Chinese hardsubs in Silence because people with divX players can't see the subs on TV when they're below the Chinese hardsubs.
Oh... I understand the reason... I always watch the dramas on the computer because I can't watch it in the TV so I didn't know that.
Thanks for your answer, fufu. ^_^
I prefer hard subs but anything is fine with me :) thank you soo much for this release!!!
It doesnt matter to me either if it hardsub or softsub. Like the other anonymous say if you do the hardsub, just make it so it can be easy to read (like different color font.)
But anyway, thanks you for subbing these series.
i would prefer hard too.. but it if you plan to softsub it what version are you going to be using?
I prefer soft subs, because I already download it on the release date. It would save me the time to redownload the episode, but if you guys choose to hardsub it, I would be appreciative and support you completely.
i prefer hardsub , i think it would be easier for people to watch if the subs were already with the video , because some don't know how , and that always leads to frustration =P
but what ever you all want is your decision you will be supported =)
softsubs would be great xD
yess yess yess >.< i love hana kimi~ i read the manga so many times <3
thanks soo much for subbing this series<3
did i tell you i loved you guys? =D
what's actually easier to do? hard/soft subs?
i think the quality with soft subs is generally better... but that's imo ^^;
i love you guys<2<2
both is fine, but i sorta prefer hardsubs more...
I prefer softsubs.
I dun mind hardsubs as long as the english subtitles is below the chinese sub cos i wan to read the chines sub as well.
wow, i look forward to your new project. i am currently watching your other works. thanks so much. as for this currently one ..please have soft sub because i can make sub bigger...sometime hardsub are too tiny to see...;(. but if you do have hard sub please post it in clubbox or ddl please...
I prefer softsubs, if you plan to release it in hardsubs..then you should release ep 1 in both hard & soft as a lot of people already downloaded the raw, coz they were eager to see it..and since, you didn't announce your plan beforehand..thanks anyways!
Thank you for doing this project!!
Please do it soft sub, so I can download it and wait for the subs, my connection is rwally bad :(
Wow.. you plan on taking this project too!! Thanks. I would prefer Soft subs because I understand a little Chinese and normally download the episodes first and then use subs to rewatch it. Also the file size is smaller. But thanks either way!! :D
Hard subs! Hard subs! Hard subs! Thanks so much for all your hard work. LOVE LOVE LOVE all your projects!
hard subs would take waaaaaaaay longer to do and i wanna watch this show sooooooooon!!!!!!...I"M SO EXCITED!!!!!! XD...THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Hardsubs plese
I really loved your hardsubs in ISWAK! They were so beautiful... that really made a lot of fun to watch the drama! Hope for the same in this series... but on the other hand soft subs are also fine for those who have a small connection
I have a bad connection, so softsubs would help a lot, considering that my bandwidth is also quite limited.
I much prefer the softsubs. And, I also agree with the second anonymous comment that if you do hardsubs, it'd be nice if they weren't directly placed over the Chinese characters. But since fufu had explained why, I completely understand the reason why they need to do it that way for hardsubs. So yeah, softsubs are definitely preferred.
I prefer hardsub because of DivX reason, but in case hardsub can we download it via Clubbox? caz torrent connection is really bad all the time...
However, many many thanks either hardsub or softsub!!!
hi..having softsub is much better because if there is error you can change it with out much trouble. however, if it hardsub error will be noticed forever. if anyone wants to make hardsub they can after you release softsub...isn't softsub much easier...?
i'm glad you guys are working on this drama! i love the work you guys do, i know its very hard creating subs, i myself am on a subbing too, so i do feel your pain sometimes.
personally i perfer hardsubs, cuz i like have only one file. but if you find soft is better than its perfectly fine. as long as there is subs i am happy!
Hardsubbed direct download would be heaven!!!!
Either or would be wonderful ^_^ It doesn't really matter I'm just glad you chose this drama ^_^
Well since I have already downloaded the first ep (YDY version), I would love soft subs..
But if you make hardsubs for this.. eh.. its alright.. I just redownload and enjoy it again :)
So do what you think is best..
I prefer softsubs, but I can perfectly live with hardsubs, too. Just happy that there are going be subs at all!
I say SOFTSUBS, so everyone can choose, if watch with or without subtitles. I don't need ass\ssa version, I'm fine with bare srt...
And for the one's, who don't know, how to play video with external subs, I can say only this: Use Google...
PS: thanks for whichever subs ^_^
I prefer softsubs because you can just obtain the normal [unsubbed] copy any way and just grab the subs instead of relying on just where-ever you guys upload the hardsubs at.
i would love a hardsub.
but a soft sub would be okay, too
as long as i get to watch it and understand
i'm happy
thank you so much!
your work has been amazing so far, and i hope it will continue to be this way
I vote for softsubs!
But whichever is fine ^__^
Thank you for picking up this project, I was looking forward to it!!
Softsubs seems more accessible for people like me who can't do the torrent/clubbox stuff. Thanks for subbing!
plz plz could u do hardsubs...i get so confused with softsubs. much appreciated
soft subs are superior, unless you plan to hardsub with smaller file size. Soft Subs are a pain but if it is gonna be the same filesize forget it.
Softsubs as rmvb files is a pain to encode and hardsub..
I'd say pick whatever is easier and faster for you -- the quicker you can release the quicker we can watch! :) But my preference would be hardsub. Thanks for taking this project on.
thanx u 4 subbin so far ... i saw the % went up 2 50% ... i was very happie....thanx u....^_^...keep it up...ill alsways support u...^_^
i would prefer soft subs^^ it's less of a hassle for folks like me who download the raw video files beforehand only to end up downloading the same episodes again once hardsubs are released^^ pls. and thnk u
I don't mind either at all but I had to choose...But I liked how you guys did Smile Pasta so maybe softsub?
doesn't matter which way to me so long as I'll get to see it eventually:) im watching the raws since I have no patience! heh thanks for working on this drama! it's a favorite of mine:)
id preferr hard sub more but whatever is easier for you...should work.. and thanks for subbing this series..
OMG !! you're subbing KIMI HANA !! ahhhh <(^_^)>
i love you guys !! HARDSUB would be best for me
yet, im okay with softsubs too but i just like to
watch it on the tv screen if you know what i mean !!
otherwise THANKS again !! take your time but <333
Hardsub please as it is less complicated. Thanks again for subbing this series
hardsubs would be great... and thanks for subbing hana-kimi!! ^__^
i would like hardsubs. and also one question...where are you guys posting the torrents?? can you (anybody) give me a linky? :D yay thank you so much for doing this series!! i know chinese. but i cant understand it very well so i have no idea whats going on most of the time. this will definitely help :)
Preferably hardsubs please! and direct download too. Thanks for subbing this drama!! luv ya!! <3
I'd definitely prefer hard subs. But I will definitely supposrt any decision, I'm just so grateful to you for doing this! I can't wait.
I love this Drama... tks for sub it... i'm so happy!
Prefer hardsubs. When I watch the video file on TV, the subs won't disappear (on RHS) when the subs sentence is too long. With softsubs, I always have to edit (break the long sentences) before I burn the files. With hardsubs, I don't have to do that.
I'd perfer softsubs but is it possible to release both?
Well thanks either way for translating!!
Hard and Soft are cool!! when you can't dl them urself coz of dl limits but you have to get the chinese rmvb versions off friends having softsubs to read off notepad is helpful!!
If ppl like both..can u release like a hard sub version and then just release the srt sub subs??
Softsubs would be nice since some of us have already downloaded the episodes when they were initially released. It would kinda suck to have to redownload the episodes, but I am thankful for any subs either way.
i prefer hardsubs cos its a lot more convenient xp
i really hope the subs come out soon
keep up the good work guys
i would prefer hardsubs since you are asking. i'm really grateful that you are taking on hana kimi. thanks a lot! i know it requires a lot of work and effort. so again, thanks!! ^__^
I wish I could help somehow! I really appreciate all you do! Unfortunately, english is all I speak, so I'm pretty useless :(
i prefer hardsubs, b/c the softs one are so complicated, but anywayz it's your choice
i prefer softsubs coz i had initially downloaded the episodes already. if u do release softsubs i hope its compatible with YDY eps. >.<
thanks for subbing this drama btw hehe
I prefer hardsubs.. they're more convenient.
anyways thanks for subbing this drama!! i love it~
hii! :]
i would like hardsubs please!!
thank you oh so very VERY much!
and please (i guess not a lot of people say this) but. TAKE your time on subbing!.
i know that its hard work and you could feel the pressure of others telling you to GO and SUB SUB SUB!
but good luck on it!
and like everyone else. I HOPE we'll get to see it soon!
thanks LOTS !!
i would totally love hardsubs...but any type of subs would make me so happy haha..THanks for subbing!
thank you so much for doing this.
Soft subs! So then you can turn off the lanuage and make pretty screencaps with them.
Thanks so much for taking up this project... I like your subs, they are well done.
can u tell me how long it would take to finish an episode
Softsubs please, and thanks for subbing this drama!
I don't really care if you do hard/softsubs. Because I can watch it either way! I can't wait for this drama to be subbed, I've been waiting for this to come out since Summer!
Hardsub please! Thank you!
Hi SUBlimes,
I would prefer hardsubs. Personally, I think the quality of the TVrips is not worth the effort for your staff to re-encode. And, I want to make it as easy on you as possible. ^___^ But, if you happen to get a DVDrip/VCDrip like you did with ISWAK, then hardsubs, even after all the softsubs are released would be awesome. HOWEVER, like I said, whatever's easier. And I know asking for two versions is a lot.
Great work on ISWAK by the way. I just finished it. I understand your pain (kind of I guess). I'm in University right now, and I still have four final exams to go (one worth 55%!!!! - gah). It's been said already, but I'll say it again, TAKE YOUR TIME SUBBING! The people who are impatient should probably be working or something.
Sorry for double posting, but I meant to say, "I prefer softsubs." Wow, 4:30am in the morning...I'm really tired. SORRY again.
i prefer softsubs cause i can make the size bigger but anyway hardsubs will be fine too
thanks a lot for working on Hanakimi ^^
Thanks for your hard work.
I would prefer softsubs ^__^
i really dont know the difference. all i know is i really appreciate you guys subbing this show!!!
I'd prefer softsubs!
Thanks for the work guys!
wow..sounds like u guys will release ep 1 very soon..thanx a lot!
please release soft subs, because of how long it takes for the episode to download being able to before the subtitles are released is so convenient.
thanks for the first episode, but could you pls,pls,pls release softsubs, my poor download credit...
it'd be great if there would be softsubs for the ep2
"Since another person has released softsubs to this series, we will not release ours."
That was written in the release post. So, if you really want softsubs you will have to find the subber's who are releasing softsubs.
thank you so much for subbing hana kimi!!!
Yay thanks sooo much for picking and doing hanakimi project! Been wanting to watch this series. =D
yay! hanakimi!
The person's that are making the softsubs don't know if they will continue releasing softsubs.
But thank you for your hard work Sublimes team~!
wait wait ... "Since someone else is releasing softsubs at d-addicts, we will not release ours." ? sorry ... i don`t understand .. so are you saying that after you sub the episodes you WON`T release it ? *scratches head* so confused >.<
i was skeptical about this drama but decided to dl first ep and wow i really enjoyed it. thanks for the eng hardsubs. i really need subs and i prefer hardsubs. so thank.
Thankyou so much! My mandarin is so bad, great subbing! ^-^V
i was wondering, if i downloaded ep 1 from sendspace (the 2 parts) when i extract it, does it mean that the episode will be in two parts or will i need to use something like HJSPLIT to join them together?
Ham&Kiwi... here I come~~~~!!
the subs are awesome, thanks for all the hard work! cant wait for episode 2. <3
Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for subbing this series! I am so excited to watch it and just wanted to say you guys are doing a great job. THANKS A BUNCH!!
@Anonymous above:
RAR files work like HJsplit. After you extract from part 1 and part 2, you will end up with one single .mp4 file, which is the hardsubbed episode. In order to extract from .rar archives, you need the program, winRAR.
Thanks for the episode. cant wait for the next one. ^_^
I hope SUBlimes would finish adding english subs for the entire serie very soon... And if it is ok I'll like to upload it in youtube so that others would also be able to watch and understand the serie.. (",)
cuddlesome, the subbing process takes a while for each episode but everyone is working on it as hard as we can to finish them, but the crew has a life besides subbing so it can take a while.
As for uploading onto youtube, that is not allowed for SUBlime subbed series.
I think the subber at d-addicts isn't planning on continuing on making softsubs after your hardsub release, so... If this really happens, will you release a softsub version?
can some one upload these episodes on youtube . 4 some reason my cp cant read these . ....hey ! one more thing .... how come i cant find this movie in the english sub cadegories in d-addict?
@_@ First of all... I have a blogger display name.. weird.
Anyways, I'm a QCer for a fansub gruoup and I have to reiterate... subbing takes a LONG time to go through. Especially if half of your QCers like to note every, single, mistake and QC every, single, QC encode very thoroughly.
So, I give my props to you for bringing this drama to those who can speak Chinese or understand it. Thanks! I'm enjoying it immensely! (Considering most of the time I watch Japanese language with English subs I was surprised to understand most of it without the subs. XD)
And I would like to edit my earlier comment to "Thanks for bringing this drama to those who can't speak Chinese or understand it." XP
@anonymous before my own comments: They just said that the releases aren't allowed to be on Youtube...
Thank you so much for subbing this drama~! I'm so excited about seeing the next ep. You all are awesome for doing this~! <33
Yay for SUBlime \(^O^)/
you do not know how much i appreciate you guys for subbing this drama. i have been waiting forever for this and i'm so glad someone is subbing it. please continue with the good work and take your time, there's no rush and thank you so so much. you guys are the best!
Why, never knew they actualy had a drama relase one this manga. U use to love reading this.
Thanks for the subs, its great for people who don't actually understand but want to watch it, it helps alot.
Thank you for subbing, take your time, we're enjoying it ^^
I have a question, I've d/l the megaupload one and sendspace, but none of them are working, I tried with it every player I have including bs player, do you know whats up?
I asked the q above, but totally wanted to say THANK YOU. still can't play it though.
thank you so much. you guys are so fast!!!
"Anonymous said...
I asked the q above, but totally wanted to say THANK YOU. still can't play it though."
use VLC player it works there
thank you so much for your hard work...but :smile: if you dont mind, could you please upload on mediafire.com because i cant use BT, Megaupload, and sendspace thanks Q
Thankies sooo mucdh you are brill!! I will psot this at as many places as ic an for you because i lvoe you too much now!! XD becky xx
Thank you so much for subbing this wonderful drama! ♥♥♥
I can't wait for the next episode! ^____^
Hello, thanks again for subbing this series, I cannot show my gratitude enough! :)
I was just wondering why i cannot open the episodes I have downloaded of Hana Kimi, I've tried in GOM Player and MPC but they both say I need I do not have the necessary codec to play it.
I've also tried in VLC but it only plays the sound and not the images, could someone help me please?
And don't worry about when I asked what the difference between hardsubs and softsubs were because I understand now.
Thanks in advance!! :D
For people that can't play this, go to google. type in vlc player. download that player and it will play the movie.
right click on the file u want to play, open with. click on vlc player. Hope this help.
I'm wondering anybody knows when will the next episode will be release and how many episode are there in total? I've heard 5..not 100% sure.
woooot~! second episode is out =DD
awesome. iloveyouguysletsSTEALWUZUN. :D
Perhaps you should try uninstall GOM player and dl its new version. It works really well for me.
any idea when the next one will be out?
Hello guys, thank you very much for your help!
I downloaded the file again (I think it didn't work because I changed the name of the file I downloaded before which was important for it! >_<)and used VLC to open it! It works now!! :D
Also tried opening it with GOM player but there's only images and no sound!
Thanks again! And I think there's 13 episodes, I read it somewhere!
Hi I just thought I'd tell you that in episode 1, part 1, 0:29:43 there's a spelling mistake where he says 'That's very clever (cleaver) of you', no a.
Great subs! :D I am going to put these links in aznweb.com and I will credit it to SUBlimes! :)
why can't I download episode 2 through torrent? is there something wrong the server? if there is, i hope SUBlimes would be able to fix it soon
I love HANA KIMI!! thank you so much for uploading it that has subs ^^ hope you can continue the great job :DDD
thanks for subbing you guys are great keep up the good work! i watched this on youtube but i saw a post earlier that this is not allowed on youtube, why is it not allowed? sob.. for someone like me who relies watching dramas on youtube coz i dont have a pc at home and i watched this episodes at my office, cant download it at work, downloads are prohibited.. so pretty please consider it.. thanks again!
please an u continue to publish eglish subs please!
I think that what you guys have been doing so far has been PERFECT! I watched episode 1 and 2 and I didn't notice anything wrong (although my power of concentration is terribly limited). I like the font size and color and like I said earlier, you guys are doing a PERFECT job. Keep up the good work!
I reall like hardsubs, and hope you continue with them... soft subs never work on my computer!! :( Thanks so much for episode 2, I can't wait for 3.
u guyz are doin great...keep it up ...every 1 iz supportin u ...i felt bad cuz i cant help seen i dont noe taiwainese ...aniwayz u guyz r gettin there...cant wait til episode 3 and 4 and 5 comez out
Thank you so much for subbing this series, I love the manga and now I love this drama too. Its so cute and of course the story line is funny too. Thank you for all your hard work that are put in this series.
i loved the manga as well, tho i never finished it, but keep up ur excellent work, cant wait till you come out with ep3!!! > " <<< such a funny & cute story line!! ella is so funny ahha and all the guys are to drool for. XD XD;;;
what does it mean to "QC" the file ? since that`s the only thing left to be done for EP3 ....
omg thank you so much for subbing this drama. wu zun is so hot and so is jiro. gotta love ella too; she's so cute. even though i've only seen the first 2 episodes i'm lovin' it. love the color of the subs too haha :P. can't wait until the rest of the episodes get subbed.
xD i didn't even know you guys were subbing this till today, well thanks for the subs ... (p.s does anyone know the cast for this live action, well just the main characters)
HI, I love how you're subbing Hana Kimi since it's really evolving into a great drama... but I was wondering if you could release your soft subs too? My reasons for this would be (1) hardsubbed dramas take longer to download, (2) the person originally releasing the soft subs is not positive on whether or not they're still releasing them, and (3) I don't want to download a new player just to play the movie (Some people have suggested d/ling the VOC player.... I guess I'm just lazy). Also, the codec link isn't working (it's corrupted? I have no idea where else to get this codec package without getting loads of spyware/viruses) I'm pretty sure you need soft subs to hardsub a drama (I might be wrong). So is it too much trouble to release your soft subs too? If it is, thank you, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could direct me to another site to find the codecs. :) Thanks for all your hard work~~
i cant wait til u get ep 3 out im looking forward to watching it since i dont know how to speak,read or understand taiwans language this is the only way i can watch hana-kimi since it isnt in any anime ive found yet
thx for making these
Ugh, i suggest using k-lite codec pack... thats what i use, it has everything in it. Never had problems watching a soft/hard sub vid before. (And all other extentions, avi/mpg/mp4/rm.. you get the point lol)
thank you for all the hardsubbs! i personally like hardsubbs more cause i have no clue what soft subs are. xD
thank you for all the effort you have put into this!!
Thank you so much for the hardsubs! I am loving the drama so far! I'm a huge fan of the manga, so I was just giggling with joy when I found out that they were making a drama out of it at Taiwan.
Softsubs are great too... I prefer softsubs over hardsubs anyday, but thank you for hardsubbing them!
Can't wait for episode 3!
Hello! Nice job! Please continue hard subbing and uploading the episodes not only as torrents but also as direct downloads hosted by Megaupload and/or Sendspace. Thank you so much! I love this series! :-)
you guys are great! [= keep up the good work<33 thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much! I can watch Hana Kimi on my video ipod now! :D
you guys kno ... i`m really glad there`s a subbing team as professional as you guys are to sub a cute series like hana kimi ...
i mean .. the diction in this series is so distinct .. and you guys have it so we get the same experience as if we spoe the language ourselves ..
it`s a relief to kno that sublimes is so trustworthy and reliable ...hope you guys keep up the great .. no .. OUTSTANDING work :D
Oh, this is the first time I see your subbing product...Hana Kimi is a really must-watch series and I really really appreciate your hard work. You guys did a great job.
I can't wait for ep3 but take your time...I'll be waiting although it's very hard for me!!!
SubLime fighting!!!!
Ack! how much longer must i wait for the subs to ep. 3 to come out. -sad sigh- I'll wait none the less.
i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you guys!!!!!!
I just wanna say thank you guys for the amazing effort, you have no idea how many people are watching and appreciating your work.
i LOVEEEEEEEEEE you guys for hard subbing this series!!
we, the ones that dont understand, appreciate all your hard work!!
cant wait for ep3!!!
happy new year ^_^
I thank you guys for all your hard work. You have no idea how you are satisfying my hanakimi fix. Thanks much much! ^.^
I love HanaKimi and I cannot wait for the next episode! I neeed to watch it!!! ^O^!!!
Thank YOU!!! Merci beucoup!
Thanks for the uploads of your hardsubbs. I can't use torrents anymore, and thought I would not get a chance to see this series, but thanks to you guys.. I can watch this.
THankyou for subbing hana kimi!
Thankyou for your effort you put into this!
CAnt wait for ep 3
I LOVE Hana Kimi! Thank you SO much for subbing it!!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! i cant believe episode 3 is out!!!! like kimm, i almost DIED! hahaha thank you so much for subbing this drama. your hardwork is very much appreciated! <333
i luv u guys....!!!!!
EPP 3333333333333333333333 ASKLJGDKLGJSDGJKS -faints-
thanks a lot for uploading the eps splitted in winrar :3 :3
now is finishing my download and I could watch it hardsubbed! thanks a lot for your hard work >o<
Thank you very much ! I'm crazy about Hanakimi ^^ I can see the tree first episode ! Yeah ! It's so nice !
(sorry if my english it's too bad bur I'm french ^^)
Thanks for bringing out ep 3!!!
Cant wait for it to come out on ddl because torren is always like 1kb/s for me lol. XD
Episode 3!!!! Thank god! I thought I'd go mad! Keep up the great work.
omg thanks soooo much for episode 3, i'm gonna download it now ^_^
thank you!!!
Oh yeah, i just wanted to share a little website for uploading files. It has no expiration date for downloads and you can upload ANYTHING!
just thought i'd let you know
Thanks a bunch for subbing this, it's the first twdrama I'm watching and I'm enjoying it a lot!
And because it was such a good intro to twdrama, I went on a dl spree and ended up watching the entire series of "It started with a kiss".
And I'm probably gonna end up watching Tokyo Juliet or something in the meantime. XDDD ♥♥♥
- Shabz
Thanks for subbing this series! You guys are doing a really great job ^__^
Hi, thanks so much again for u/l and subbing this, you guys do an awesome job, for sure!!!
thank you for subbing.. you're really great people... thanks again
Thanks guys!!! Can't wait for episode 4 yay! well your progress is really good you've done all your timing and translations! XD
You guys are awesome for subbing this series. Thanks so much! :D
omigosh! you guys are so awesome for subbing this! I don't know what I would do without you guys! thanks soo much! ^-^ I'm loving the drama right now! It's so funny and cute! =D Please continue to sub this series as fast as possible~!! love you guys! <33
cute movie =P what's the difference between hard subbing and soft subbing anyway?
i just want to say thank you. i'll be waiting for the rest to come out soon. once again, thanks a lot.
Thanx u so much for the subs when will the fourth one come out i went on youtbe and i only see 3 thanx u for subbing
x] you guys are kool LOVIN` THE MP4 FILE FILE =]
THANKS SO MUCH FOR SUBBING HANA KIMI! please sub all the episodes ASAP xD your work is very much appreciated!!!!!!~!
i love your work and i'm really thankful that you're translating hana kimi! can't wait for ep 4!!!!!
yayy thanks for the subs xD they`re uber awesomes hana kimi rockss ;D lol
OMG this drama is so funny!
i lvoe all teh casts!
thank for uploading it!
looking foward to seeing eps 4,5 and 6 and the rest!
once again thank you!
erm cant the shows be uploaded somewhere else? because megaupload only allows a certain download limit >.<
gigeshare is a good site !
@LOVEMIYAVI - Each episode is also uploaded onto SendSpace.. It's been a long time since I've had a free account there, but I think it's download limit is a little higher. Or you could always shell out ~$12 for a 1 month premium membership. :P
I love you guys so much!!!! =D
thank you , thank you thank you and really thank you for the for the the subs and the upload you do!
also i´ll say, wow you guys work realy fast.... take the time you need! not need to stress like that becuz of us drama-slaves =P
ahh this show is so good!! i cant wait to see the rest of it. THANKS A BUNCH! :D
Thankyou for your hardwork in subbing this series. Certainly a great help to us who can't understand chinese in any way, shape or form =]
hey can i ask u how many eps are there in total?
by that i mean how many eps are there in this hole drama?
OMG!! i love this u=show...i soooo badly want to see ep 4 XD thanks for all your hard work.....i really appreciate it all *love an cookie*
when is 4 coming out?
hey guys..
thanx a lot for ep 3...
keep up the good work ..!
When is episode 4 said to be coming out.. just wondered.
yeah....when do episode 4 coming out??coz Im really really excited to watch it!!!>.<
anyway...thnz guyz for subbing it!!!luv yah guyzzz!!!!:D
i hope ep 4 will come out soon.....=]]
Thank You so much for the sub!!
thank you thaaaaaaaaank you for subbing Hanakim i mean there aren't any words that would somehow convey my gratitude ....can't wait for episode 4....thanks again you guys :)
thanks and how many episodes does this drama have ?
I thought there was 23 episodes...
why are you only doing 6 episodes then??
^To the person above:
SUBlimes' aren't only subbing 6 episodes, it's just that they are only showing the progress of the episodes they have started, don't worry, they are going to sub them all, they just haven't began on them yet!! :D
You guys rock so much for subbing this. Thank you so much, and keep up the good work. :D
Thank you very much!
I'm French and I like dramas...So, thank you so much for subbing this series,I love this drama... Its so funny and cute.
Thank you for your hard work that are put in this !!!!
Thank you Sweet_Potato for helping answer the question. I just wanted to add that there are only around 15 episodes first of all and fufu actually has been lazy to update the progress so we're actually further along than the progress says. Also the ydy version of episode 7 and 8 which we sync our subtitles to has not come out yet either.
YAY! I can see that you guys are almost done with episode 4 just encoding left! I can't wait to watch it! Thanks for all your hard work on this drama!
i♥hana kimi
Hey Zahra, I have a raw version of episode 7, I'm not too sure what ydy means though >_<
The episode says it's from www.cts.com.tw
If you would like it then you can email me here: Yellowrose1314@hotmail.com! :D
oh my gah episode 4 is coming. i seriously can't wait. I check like several times a day haha. So happy to see that all that is left is encoding. thanks :)
I think you meant Episode 4 instead of Episode 3...
OMG ep 4 is uped!
thankyou sooooo much!!!
thanks for ue hardword subbing em!!!
Thanks for subbing Hana Kimi!! Im so excited for it to be posted on Megaupload .. Ive been refreshing this page every 5 minutes waiting for it to pop up lol :]
Thanks for the uploads to MU :)
You guys are fast.. so thanks again.. for being fast with the subs :)
You make this funny to watch..
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